MoneyBack Guarantee!

We are the industry leader and stand behind our products 100% with a Lifetime Moneyback Guarantee! All components included in our Snow Blower Impeller Kits™ are made in the USA of the highest quality materials and are clearly specified so you know exactly what you are buying. Simply put, "We are not satisfied until you are satisfied"!

If you are ever dissatisfied with this product, you can return it for a full refund of your purchase price! (not including shipping cost). To expedite processing, please provide us with the email address you use with PayPal.

Q. WhatProof Of Purchase” do I need for Warranty Service or the Lifetime Moneyback Guarantee ?

A. You will need to provide us with the original packing list that accompanied your order as “Proof Of Purchase” so DO NOT LOSE IT!

Q- What if I damaged a rubber paddle(s) and need a replacement rubber paddle(s), not a whole kit?

A- First, try to determine exactly what caused the rubber paddle to fail if you can and let us know that when you contact us for a replacement(s). Please include any pictures of the damage and provide us as much detail as to the circumstances surrounding the event as you can. (eg; snow/weather conditions, etc.) If we determine that the cause of the damage WAS due to a defect in the rubber, we will replace the damaged rubber paddles at no cost to you. If we determine that the cause of the damage WAS NOT due to a defect in the rubber, you can purchase replacement 1/4” and 3/8” thick rubber paddles (no H/W) from us as replacements or spares..

* Please make sure you Get Kit Instructions & FAQs for more information about the installation and use of this product!



© 2012™ All Rights Reserved Snow Blower Impeller Kit™ Reg. USPTO